Robyn’s Testimony: Her Final Words to the World

Robyn wanted her testimony read at her funeral. With a patch over one eye to stop her double vision, and with a finger on her iPhone’s swipe keyboard, Robyn composed her testimony. Sometimes she was able to use her laptop, but the awkward angle of her hospital bed didn't always allow this. But no matter … Continue reading Robyn’s Testimony: Her Final Words to the World

Holding Hands in Hospice and Trusting the Grace of God

When Robyn noticed a large lump in her leg in late December, our world turned upside down. It took two biopsies and too much time to figure out what was going on. By March we finally knew it was a very rare type of cancer (Ewing's Sarcoma). The treatment plan was chemotherapy to shrink the … Continue reading Holding Hands in Hospice and Trusting the Grace of God